PCSS Sponsored Gardens

Palomar College Cactus and Succulent Garden


Palomar Community College District is located in North San Diego County, California. Palomar is one of the largest community colleges in the country, in both geographical area and student population. The student population is over 30,000, throughout the district. The main campus is located in San Marcos on a 252-acre site. In 1973, a five-acre hillside on the main campus was set aside for an arboretum. Soon thereafter, many trees, palms and bamboos from around the world were planted and labeled, making the arboretum not only an area for the study of botany, but also a place to study, relax and bond with nature. Photography, art, communications and physical education students have used the arboretum for class field trips and projects.

The Palomar Cactus and Succulent Garden is located at Comet Circle Drive and Mission Ave on the San Marcos campus of Palomar College.

The Cactus and Succulent Garden provides great examples of xeriscape and fire-resistant plants. The site is a 2½ acre plot with .92 of its total size fenced in. The fenced section houses the rare and more valuable species. These gardens include:

  • A Madagascar Garden
  • A California, Baja, Arizona and Nevada Garden
  • A Pachypodium Garden
  • A Sansaveria Garden
  • A Dudleya Garden
  • Two Canary Island Gardens

These plant collections are maintained in as natural a state as possible. Few if any pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides are used in the Garden.

To arrange a tour of the Cactus and Succulent Garden call:
Brita Miller @ 858-776-7216

Garden - map take 2

Next Work Party

Date: TBA

Donations Needed